Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Getting excited about Christmas in November? Hell yes!

Is it bad that I am in Christmas mode already, and it is only just November?! Before you all shout yes and tut at me (like Joe does every time I mention the C word) let me tell you that this is normal for me. I absolutely love Christmas, it is my favourite time of the year! What’s not to like?! You get yummy food, presents, decorate the house, go to parties, and spend time with the people you love. In fact I love this time of the year, and the whole build up to Christmas, with all the exciting things that happen. I generally start getting excited around the end of October, in time for Halloween, and this lasts until the 2nd of January, where I hit the January blues big time! So for you of you lovely readers I have complied Laura’s List to Christmas - things to get you in the mood for the big day!

*Buy a cheesy Christmas CD, and insist on playing it in November (to the annoyance of your partner/family/friends)I have my cd! I used to have a great Christmas cd, with all the classics on (including Jingle Bells, I wish it could be Christmas everyday, Merry Christmas, and Rock around the Christmas tree) but I managed to lose it in the house move. I couldn’t eneter the festive period without one, and managed to buy a new one on a recent shopping trip. I have played it quite a few times - though always when Joe is out. I think he might kill me if I put it on now, but it will be done soon!

*Get an advent calendar.Advent calendars are not just for kids! I have had one every year, and will continue to do so until I am old and wrinkly collecting my pension. Mum always got me one as a kid, but now I have to buy my own. I do though, and I delight in getting the most childish ones I can find, as I refuse to grow up! Ha! Advent calendars are fab as you can count down to Christmas, and also get a piece of chocolate every day!

*Christmas decorations up on December 1.I would have them up even earlier if I could get away with it! It always makes a home look great, especially fairy lights which add a magical feel. This year I have decided to buy new decorations, as my old ones have seen better days. I am excited to chose them, and turn our flat into a little Santa’s Grotto!

*Visit a Christmas market.I always go to one of these, as I find they are the perfect way to get in the mood! The little stalls selling all kinds of gifts, food and drink are great, and I have picked up a few presents from ones I have visited. When I was at University in Worcester we used to go to the market every year, and I still go to that one now, along with the Bath and Bristol ones. This year I am taking an extra special person to the Worcester market - my beautiful goddaughter Ellie. At 4 months she will not be too aware of what is going on, but her mummy and I will love it. And Ellie will like all the lights and sounds!

* Drink mulled wine teaA little gem that I discovered last year was mulled wine tea. Don’t get me wrong, the alcoholic version is better, but I think drinking that at work would be frowned upon. But the tea version is nice, smells of Christmas, and can be consumed in the office without resulting in you getting the sack. Go get some!

*Attend a Christmas light switch onA really nice build up to Christmas is to go to a light switch on. It is fun to stand in the crowd, countdown from 10 to 1, and see the pretty lights come on. And usually there are celebrities who do the honours. The best one I have been to was in Bath, where Nichola Cage pressed the button, and it was packed1 I got to meet him afterwards, the perfect end to a perfect day1 This year in Bath we have Alex and Matt from the One Show, so looking forward to that :)

*Eat a Christmas sandwichWhile browsing in Sainsbury’s on my lunch break i was excited to see that the Christmas sandwiches are out - turkey with cranberry sauce and stuffing. Yummy! I am a big fan of theses, though this year am trying not to have as many as I did last year because it is quite expensive to buy sandwiches everyday! But I will be treating myself to a few over the next 2 months!

*Go ice skating on an outdoor rinkThis makes me think of Winter Wonderland, and is fun to do! I am accident prone and not the best skater, but spending most of the time on my bum is always enjoyable when Christmas tunes are playing, and everyone is so happy! This year is the first year that Bath has an outdoor rink, so I will be going there!
So go on - do some (or all) of the things above and embrace Christmas in November! :)

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