Monday, 13 August 2012

10 day challenge - 8 fears

1: Small, cramped spaces. I am really claustrophobic. I hate being anywhere that is cramped and small as it makes me panic. One such embarrassing incident happened on a school trip to London, where I fainted on the tube! Even now I avoid tubes as much as I can. I would also march up flights of stairs than take the life - keeps me fit though!

2: My teeth all falling out. I keep having this recurring dream that all my teeth fall out. When I wake up it feels really real, and I can remember the feeling of spitting all my teeth into my hands! As I do with most of my weird dreams I googled it - and found out it reflects anxieties about my appearance and how others perceive me. Well I don’t think I am anxious about my appearance - not more than most people anyway. But after that dream I am worried about my teeth falling out - I don’t want to have to get false teeth, and leave them in a glass beside my bed when I go to sleep!

3: Losing people close to me. This is probably one of the most common fears, and it is one that you cannot control.

4: Spiders. I hate the things! Luckily at home I have Joe to remove them for me. He is used to me screaming, and having to rescue me from one of the gross things! When I went to Africa there were spiders almost as big as my hand. But (and you may think I am weird) they didn’t bother me. Whereas the little spiders you get here do! I think it is because the big ones didn’t move, and you could catch them and remove them from your house. But the little ones scuttle really fast, which I hate!

5: Cherries. Especially the evil singing kind! See my previous post to understand this bizarre fear!

6: Blood and needles. This is ironic seeing as I am the health reporter! I hate them though. I feel physically sick at the sight of blood. One embarrassing work related visit to the hospital saw me almost fainting when a man who was on dialysis wiggled the bag of blood attached to him! Needles have the similar effect, and I have lost count of the number of times I have fainted before, during, or after an injection. The most embarrassing was when I had to have a number of jabs for my trip to Africa. I thought I was ok, and walked through the waiting room to where Faye was waiting for me. I don’t remember what happened next, but Faye said I fainted and landed face down in a mans crotch! the poor guy was just sitting in the waiting room minding his own business when I dive bombed him!

7: Cancer. An awful disease. Most people know someone affected by cancer, and I worry about it happening to me, or a close family member or friend. One day I hope that medical advances will be made so that we can eradicate this awful disease forever.

8: Going blind. My eye sight is very poor, and I correct it with my false eyes - contact lenses to be exact. I would hate to go blind, as I don’t know how I would cope with no eyesight.

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