Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Beating the January blues - The alphabet game

Like many of us I find January quite a depressing month. The fun and excitement of Christmas is over for another year, the weather is cold and miserable, and summer trips to warmer shores seem a long way off. So I have come up with an idea to beat the blues, and do something different at the same time.

I have started what I am calling the alphabet game, where I have challenged myself to do something starting with each letter of the alphabet. It can be anything - from the crazy, to the simple, or to just visiting a place starting with that letter. And I am dragging Joe, my friends and family along for the ride! The plan is to not only beat the blues but to also do some fun things, and see if I can think of something for all of the 26 letters ( some will be a lot harder than others!)

I will keep you all updated via this blog, where I will write about the experience and share photos. And if you are feeling down in the dumps you can join in, by doing some of the things I have done or by coming up with your own ideas!

So heres to the alphabet game - bring on A!

To be continued......

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