Monday 20 December 2010

Christmas wishes to all my friends

So, five days to go. Not long at all. Bought all your gifts and wrapped them? The smug ones will say, 'Oh I finished my shopping last month, got in before the rush.' But how many of us actually do that? Every year I promise myself I will start early, and in December be one of the smug ones. It never happens. However, I got my last gift yesterday, which is actually good going for me! No last minute dash for me this year!

I love Christmas. It always feels so magical to me. I love the lights, glitter, decorations and festive feel. I love the food, and the fact that it is ok to have an alcoholic drink with your breakfast! In short, Christmas is my favourite time of the year.

My first Christmas memory was when I was four years old, and my parents (sorry Father Christmas) had bought me a tiny tears doll. This was the toy to have, and I was so excited that I cried.

Another Christmas memory was being Mary in the school nativity when I was five. I was picked because I was the most talkative in the class (which I am sure will come as no surprise to most of you!) My mum was very proud, and spent ages making my costume. She also told everyone she knew about it. However I think she quickly regretted that, as my performance on the night was....interesting. I was allowed to use my doll as baby Jesus, which was great, but I was very protective over it. When one of the wise men tried to pick the baby up I responded by saying loudly, 'thats my baby, not yours' and snatching it away! I then proceeded to hold the baby in my arms and sing to it, while chewing my hair. I was never cast as a lead role in a school production again!

While Christmas is a time of celebration and joy it is also a time to think of those less fortunate than ourselves, and to be thankful for what we have. I am very thankful for my wonderful friends and family, who have supported me, and helped me to become the person I am today. I will be spending Christmas day with my parents, sister and brother at home in Clevedon, and am very much looking forward to it.

Whatever you are doing, and wherever you are celebrating I hope you have a lovely day.


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